Human trafficking is the second largest criminal enterprise in the world. It is growing so fast that it is quickly heading to the number-one spot. You probably know something about the current number-one criminal enterprise (the drug trade) or the current number three criminal enterprise , which was number two only a year and a half ago, (the arms trade), but what do you know about human trafficking?

Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. It is the force, fraud, or coercion of a human being for the personal profit or gain of another, with limited freedom and little to no pay or compensation.


The Crusader Foundation is a stand-alone rescue & investigation and counter trafficking organization that assists agencies and their pursuit to end human and sex trafficking and help locate the missing.

The Crusader Foundation

Awareness Teams are composed of local volunteers who help spread awareness about the growing problem of criminal sexual exploitation of minors.

These volunteers help to sound the alarm online and in their communities, as they also share about The Crusader Foundation and the work that it is doing to rescue, house, rehabilitate, and restore victims of human sex trafficking back to their God-given identity and destiny.

Everyone who is not a victim of this heinous crime has a voice that they are free to use to expose this criminal activity and to shed light on its dark, hidden schemes. There are several ways that volunteers on an Awareness Team might help spread the word.

Spreading awareness about this issue is critical: it cannot be allowed to thrive in the darkness and obscurity of general public ignorance of the subject. We have to spread light on this cancer if we ever hope to arrest its determined spread across every nation on the planet.

Of course, not everyone is suited for or interested in serving as a Shield Team volunteer, but there is something that almost anyone can do to be a part of the solution to criminal sexual exploitation of minors: volunteer to be a part of The Crusader Foundation's Awareness Teams.

awareness teams

How can i help?

What is human trafficking?

What You can do